Friday, May 2, 2008

Welcome to the SLC GardenBlog!

Hurray! Its finally up...!

Welcome to the SLC's GardenBlog, the electronic home of the SLC's organic garden!

Expect this space to be filled with weekly updates and photos of the garden's progress and the different happenings in and around the garden!

As this is a community resource, feel free to comment, share ideas, and add to the content of this blog whenever you feel like it...don't be shy now!

And if you haven't joined the official mailing list, it's about time you do! simply subscribe to

to receive emails related to the garden.

You can also email me (Lawrence) at or Jenn at if that suits you better!

Or better yet, get real up close and personal, and visit the garden at the official times of Wednesday 10-12pm or Thursday 2-4pm, (or anytime actually) and look for either me, Cath, or Robin!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the garden, and check back on this site regularly...!

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